I decide to write some names for God that make personal meaning to me, seeing that the patriarchs always name God after they have seen a side of him they haven’t seen before.

They wrote in their own language 'Hebrew' so i am writing mine in my langauage 'Yoruba'

The list is without end. I am still writing as my life is yet to be concluded.


  1. Jehovah Owibesebe: The God that watches over his word to perform it. When He decrees a thing in my life, he always brings it to pass. He gave me his promises and I dint have to do anything to help him bring it to pass. He does that all by himself.


  1. Jehovah Mokanmibale: The God who is my confidence. He gives me confidence in life. And because of all that Christ has done, I have confidence that it is well with me and I shall be great in life.


  1. Jehovah Olojureremi: The God who is my favor. The God that grants me favor before Men.


  1. Jehovah Alaanumi: The God who shows me mercy always.


  1. Jehovah Olurantimi: The God that causes me to be remembered for good.


  1. Jehovah Oludarimi: The God who is my shepherd. He leads me in the path of righteousness one step at a time, day after day. He leads me in the path that is best for me and watches over me daily. He teaches me to make the best decision for my life and holds me lovingly on the way to the future he has prepared for me.


  1. Jehovah Olupesemi: The God that supplies all of my needs before I even ask him.


  1. Jehovah Jubeelo: The God, who is more than able, through his mighty power at work within me, to accomplish infinitely more than I might ask or think.


  1. Jehovah Arinurode: The God that listens to my thoughts and answer the prayers before I even get on my knees or open my mouth to ask.


  1. Jehovah Ayigbapada: The God that turns again my captivity and make me be like them that dream and my mouth He filled with laughter and my tongue with singing such that it was said among the heathens…the Lord has done mighty things for her!


to be continued...

