saka olorunfunmi 3 articles
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No time waiting for friends and others before making a decision,your life is in your hands and you are responsible for every action,when you fail, no one blames your friends for the reaction,one thing that has kept me on this spot even till now is my friends- I usually base my decision on friends judgemental approach,I usually do " birds of the same feather flocks together until I realised that these friends doesn't have plan and wouldn't allow me to execute mine. They don't have a vision and wouldn't allow you to execute yours,they are dream-stopper and dream killer. Do you know that the moment I make decisions without their counsel,they get marvelled,nervous and felt not carried along. You weren't born together,even twins may not excel at the same time,everybody wants to be the NO 1,you cannot have two winners,even the word of God says- love your neighbour as yourself,in other words, be the NO-1 first and start thinking how you will make others to be like you. No time being lazy- brethren, manna had stopped falling some decades ago,you work for manna nowadays,if God would changed to magician,it would be tomorrow not now,if God could worked for 6days,what your excuse! Read 2 Thessalonians 3 vs 10. No food and prosperity for a lazy man,I can't marry a lazy woman and I am sure you can't marry lazy husband not even in this era of subsidy and fallen crude oil prices when you aren't a full-time pastor,even prayer- "Na work self " .

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  • Posted by saka olorunfunmi
  • December 15, 2015 11:17 AM CET
Your hand life lies in the hand of God and you can hijack it from Him and shattered it. I have determined that no friends or demons can stop me except they are permitted by God and myself.
