Busola Olatunji 1 article
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The computer has been one of the most outstanding invention of all time, a powerful machine with a brain i.e. the processor, a body; the hardware, and best of all, a mind-the software which is the intangible part that cannot be touched or seen but has the controlling power.

A high performing computer is known for speed and accuracy in processing data to information. However, no matter how fast and accurate a computer is, once infected by a virus, its performance is adversely affected; the computer starts to malfunction and sees information as error and vice versa. Viruses as we all know do not affect the hardware component but aims for the software i.e. the mind of the computer; gradually and deliberately feeding the software with junks until the computer if not treated becomes useless and fit for nothing but to be disposed.

You will agree with me that a man (man here means humans) can be likened to this high performing machine called computer with the hardware being the physical body, the brain is equivalent to a processor, while the mind and soul being the software. The virus here is sin. Devil does not physically appear to fulfill his mission to kill, steal and destroy. His first step is to infiltrate the mind through sin.

Now let’s quickly go back to the computer and examine channels through which the virus attacks the computer

  • Exposure to unprotected and unsecured sites
  • Lack of antivirus or firewall
  • Even when present an antivirus may not be strong enough to recognize a well designed virus due to lack of manufacturer’s updates.
  • Finally, viruses can be transferred from one device to another

Now let’s compare this to man and review how the devil attacks

  • Exposure of our receptive organs such as eyes, ears, nostrils to illicit information which includes but not limited to pornography, gluttony, poignant music
  • Lack of the word of God in the life of a man
  • Even when the word is present, it is not empowered by the holy spirit of God
  • Influence of peers as generally known, bad company corrupts good manners

As can be seen, the modes of attack on these two power machines are very much similar.

I sincerely hope I still have your attention as we are now getting to the most interesting part of this issue which is the way out, the solution and the cure.

What then is the way out? We all can testify to the fact that viruses should be completely deleted for the computer to restore its functionality. For our computers, what do we do?

  • Install a very strong antivirus
  • Deep scan the system with the aim of deleting all viruses

The above is for the early stage of the attack but in some (conc.) cases (I mean when the system is done for) where the virus would have completely taken control of the system at which stage, only one solution is required

  • Formatting the entire system. (I had to use red for emphasis!!), and starting over on a completely new slate.

Just as we have done before, we will bring this to the man, how does resolve this

  • Read and meditate on the word of God, you should know by now that the word is the antivirus.
  • Assess your life based on the word, and allow the word to transform and completely renew your mind through prayers, praise and worship

Now let’s look at peculiar cases, where the virus (or legions of viruses) have built a stronghold and won’t just leave. The solution in this case is….

Deliverance: a complete formatting of the mind soul and body (I’m using red here to show the need for the blood of the lamb). This type of deliverance is not done alone. A spirit filled minister of God should be involved to ensure transfer of power and Holy Spirit for deep cleansing by the blood of the lamb.

This message is particularly for those living in one or more sins especially the habitual sins. Seek God and be cleansed, don’t forget that the removal of a virus from the computer is performed one way or the other by man who is the manufacturer of the system. God is the creator of man and He alone can completely restore all lost souls and mind.

God bless.


  • Posted by Busola Olatunji
  • May 24, 2016 8:47 PM CEST
