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Why Lab Grown Diamonds are So Expensive?

  • Why are lab grown diamonds so expensive? It’s simple – they’re real diamonds, but without the environmental waste or questionable diamond mining practices that come with natural diamonds. Lab grown diamonds, often referred to as man-made diamonds, are truly identical to their natural counterparts and are completely conflict-free, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to buy a diamond engagement ring or something else precious that’s ethically sourced and conflict-free. Here’s why Lab Created Diamond Manufacturer cost more than mined diamonds and how you can still find the perfect one at an affordable price.

    Lab-grown diamonds are stunning, but also tend to be more expensive than their mined counterparts. However, the reason for this has nothing to do with greed on the part of lab-grown diamond manufacturers, and everything to do with the supply and demand market. Let’s take a look at why lab grown diamonds are so expensive and how this affects consumers in the market today.

    The most common misunderstanding about lab grown diamond growers is that they are just fake diamonds, which aren’t real and can’t be compared to natural diamonds. That idea couldn’t be further from the truth, though! In fact, it takes approximately the same amount of time to grow a high-quality lab diamond as it does to find and mine natural ones—but you won’t have to dig deep into the ground to get one! Here are three reasons why lab grown diamonds are so expensive.

    How many diamonds can you get from a mine?

    The average diamond mine produces about 250,000 carats of diamonds a year. A lab can grow about 30,000 carats of diamonds a year. It takes about six months to a year to grow a CVD diamonds. The most expensive part of growing a diamond is the equipment and the power needed to run it. That's why an ounce of lab grown diamond will cost you $15,000 - $20,000 while an ounce of mined diamonds will cost you less than $1,500.

    How much would it cost to have one made?

    lab grown diamonds USA are significantly more expensive than natural diamonds, due in large part to the process and equipment required to create them. It can cost upwards of $5,000 to have a single lab grown diamond made, compared to a few hundred dollars for a natural diamond. In addition, the labor costs associated with lab grown diamonds are much higher, as it is a very intricate and time-consuming process. All of these factors contribute to the high cost of lab grown diamonds.