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Think About What You Are Thinking About!

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    • 58 posts
    August 26, 2015 8:11 AM CEST

    1 Corinthians 2:16

    Satan has laid a snare for you and me. He hopes that he can invade our minds by planting thoughts or making suggestions that will lead us away from God's ultimate plan for our lives. It's up to you and me to keep our minds pure and on the Word of God. As believers, we are to think like Christ. We are instructed to guard our hearts. We must protect what we allow our eyes to see, and our ears to hear. We are to think the thoughts of Christ.
    What are the most dominant thoughts in your mind and heart today?

    Stop and take an inventory right now of what is going on in your thought life. What are you thinking about right now?

    Thoughts of good or evil? Can you recognize seeds that have been  planted into your thought life that are designed to distract you and destroy your life?

    For example, there are people who constantly think in their minds "Because of my background and my lack of education, I will never be wealthy."

    If those are your most dominant thoughts, then you are limiting yourself and God. Those thoughts are designed by Satan to restrict you, confine you, distract you and limit you to a life that is way below your privileges as a child of God.

    If you allow the seeds that Satan plants in your mind to take root, then he's going to rob you of the destiny that God has planned for you.

    Remember: Your life tends to go in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. Whatever you think about the most is how your life is going to end up. It is your responsibility to sow the right seeds in your mind.

    I challenge you to pause and "think about what you have been thinking about !

    It's a resoundingly blessed day for you in Jesus name.

    WePrevail by His Word!

  • August 26, 2015 12:21 PM CEST

    i sow the right seeds in my mind thru the word of God. Amen.

    God bless you sir.