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The Love Languages of God (2)

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    • 300 posts
    August 23, 2016 5:06 PM CEST
    Yesterday we looked at the love languages of God. Same as we have ours, God has his also. So let's continue....
    2. Fear of God. Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14 ' Fear God and keep his commandments, for that is the whole duty of man! Fear God and keep his commandments. When you do this, it means you love him. Because you Love him, you would want to keep his commandments and not to hurt him.
    John 14:21 ' he that has my commandments and keep them, it is he that Loveth me. And he that Loveth me,shall be loved by my father, and we shall come and manifest ourselves to him.
    Look at the life of Joseph, he loved and feared God. He had been shown dreams of himself, but that didn't make him misbehave. Because he loved God, he feared him and kept his commandments. Joseph was speaking Love to God, and God to was in turn speaking Love back to Joseph. That is the way ladies...

    3. faith: This is one language that can move mountains. It would make the heavens open over you.
    Hebrews11:6' without Faith, it is impossible to please God, he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and he is a retarder of them that diligently seek him.
    If you Love God, you want to please him, and to please him means to exercise your faith. When you do that, as little as it is. .it makes him love you the more, because you believe he can do it, and he would never let you down.

    4. Word of God &Prayers : when you love somebody, you want to spend time with that person. Same with God. If you love him, read his word, meditate on it, listen for him speaking. Same with is a two way communication . If you study the bible, you would see that Jesus was always wanting to get away to spend time in prayers with his father, because he loved his father and wanted to hear from him. Speak to God today, dwell in his presence. Yearn to hear from him. Spend more time with him.

    5. Give and Keep Giving. Yes oh, one of his languages. If you love somebody, no matter how little it is, you want to give. If you Love God, no matter how little it is, Give unto him, and watch it multiply . Give unto unto God in various capacities you can. Don't hold to the little you have. Let it multiply
    Bible says' Lay not for yourself treasures on earth, where it can be destroyed, rather lay your treasures in heaven, where nothing can happen to it.
    Where your treasure is, that's where your heart is ...(Mathew 6:19-21).
    Where is your heart ? Is it with Christ . If it's with Christ, then you know you need to give to him.
    Also do not rub God by not paying your tithe. Malachi 3:10 when you pay your tithe.. Go and read what the bible says there would happen to you . He never lies on his word!

    We need to Love God first, before we can love our spouses genuinely. So why not start speaking these languages today, and see God manifesting himself to you.
    Your life would never remain the same.
    Remain blessed.
    This post was edited by Mrs Fehintola Ganiyu at August 23, 2016 5:08 PM CEST