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I'm scared!

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    August 28, 2016 5:05 AM CEST
    The first time I visited my fiancee, she served me indomie and boiled eggs.

    The second time I visited her, she served me indomie and boiled eggs.

    I'm planning on another visit tomorrow, and won't be surprised if she serves me the same thing.

    I have a feeling she doesn't know how to cook, and that is making me scared because food is an important part of any marriage relationship.
  • August 29, 2016 11:29 AM CEST
    I hope you have read Daddy G.O. and Pastor Dunamis' take on "Don't marry a woman who cannot cook", because it's very important for me o.
    The cooking matter shouldn't scare you. I suggest that you visit her on a day when you both will have plenty of time to spare. Call her before hand that you are bringing a surprise. Then buy the food stuff (or have your sister/friend buy for you) you'd want her to cook. The both of you spend time together while she does the cooking.
    NB: Ensure you have directions on how to cook it handy, if she doesn't know.
    This will not only help you know if she can truly cook, but also be sure that she's willing and open to learn how to cook.
    I think even if she doesn't know how to cook yet, "if there be a willing heart" to learn, it is good.