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What is your Duty?

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    • 300 posts
    October 26, 2016 4:22 AM CEST
    Ecclesiastes 12;13 King James Version
    Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

    when you are alone;fear God, when you are with him; fear GOD, in your relationship; fear God, in your marriage; fear you relate with people;fear God.

    That is the whole duty of man. if you fear God, you would want to keep his commandments. God loves us , that is why he keeps telling us these things.

    in that your relationship, if you fear GOD , you would eat the fruits of it. in your marriage like wise, if you fear God, you would treat your spouse right, you wouldnt want to fall into sin fornication or adultery because you love and fear GOD.

    If these statements remain in us, it would keep us at check and make us have great relationships and marriages.
    That is the whole duty of man....fear GOD, in every aspect of your relationship, it would affect a lot of things, how you talk to him, what thoughts you think towards him, how you would treat him right right all the days of your life..

    fear GOD Ladies.... i trust God to open the eyes of our understanding
    Remain Blessed...