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    February 21, 2017 12:10 PM CET



    Variety is the spice of life. It takes a blend of pepper, chilli (optional), tomatoes, onions, cooked with maggi, salt, diced liver, snails (as you like it) etc and mixed with vegetable to make a tasty efo riro (Yoruba Vegetable soup). It takes a spirit led preacher, anointed choir ministration, spirit filled ushers and open hearted members to have the Holy Ghost move powerfully in a service. Finally for now, it takes focused producer, gifted director, creative script writer, talented sound engineer, great cast among other meticulous crew to produce an award winning movie. It takes you to discover your uniqueness and grow it to be able to make a difference in your immediate environment, then your community, then your country and then the world. It all begins with you.


    You are unique, created with so much potentials crying for expression. What has kept you back is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of losing, name it. What is fear? Someone defines fear as False Evidence Appearing Real, another person defines fear as Faith turned inside out, I define fear as shackles of progress.


    In life, there is nothing to fear. If things are looked at critically, one would realise that that thing you are scared about does not even exist if you finally find the courage to face it. Lack of confidence is as a result of fear. For every great person you see today started out fearful but what made them different is that they chose to conquer their fears. How? They faced their challenges afraid. Yes, in the midst of the fear, they still decided to face the challenges and then they realised, there was nothing to fear afterall. There is nothing called fear. Fear is a thing of the mind, rejection is redirection, failure is discovery of another way it won't work out, losing is learning wisdom for winning.


    How do you conquer your fears?

    1. Find out the root of the fear: It could either be negative words spoken to you in the past or a situation or circumstance that jolted your confidence.

    2. Be determined to rid yourself off that root: It could be a wrong company or wrong materials. If you have to empty your library of such materials, do it, if you have to change your company do it. Any thing to rid yourself of your fears, cut it off.

    3. Replace your thoughts: Whatever you focus on gives you direction. The battle is won or lost in the mind. Remove all negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. When your thought process is going the wrong direction, speak out and counter it with right words. But before you can be able to start speaking out right words, you need to first start feeding yourself with the right materials, right words, inspiring words and edifying words. Repeat them to yourself until you start believing them. You cannot give what you don't have. In mass communication, it is called “ex nihilo nihilo fit.” However, change will not happen overnight. It takes time, be patient with yourself while you see yourself becoming great.

    4. Stay Productive: Whatever your hands find to do, do it well. Some people know what they are talented in while some are on their road to discovery. For those that have discovered, stay on your strongest gift while you build the other gifts, get people who are good in the areas you need help and learn from them, also use what they have to achieve what you want. Don't use people, work with people, appreciate them and build with people. For those on their road to discovery, explore every opportunity that comes your way and soon you will discover where you are strongest in all, build on that while you groom the rest. Don't stop learning, don't stop progressing, then you won't stop discovering.

    5. Avoid Comparison: You are created an original not a photocopy. You are made to make and be a difference not to be a disappointment. You are to complete not compete. Comparison leads to competition and what competition does most times especially when not properly handled leads to envy, jealousy, hatred and strife, you would always want to beat the person you are being compared with and you forget your uniqueness. No one is better than the other, we all have our different gifts and calling to achieve one goal – Purpose Fulfilment. What has made the other person look seemingly better is because of the time they have invested in building their gifts. You can do same for yourself. Another thing comparison does is: you always end up comparing your weakness with the other person's strength which will always leave you worse. On the flip side of it, when you compare your strength with the other person's weakness, you feel superior and pride begins to set in. For both sides, no one is moving forward. Our standard should be; to go beyond where we are daily. Having a people standard is good if your motive is right but if your motive is wrong, it's not worth it. However, if we view ourselves and one another in our uniqueness, we can mix our various gifts to form one big and great empire for ourselves.


    In conclusion, no one is useless, even in the adverb “useless” there is the verb “use” Again variety is the spice of life. In our diversity lies our unity, we may have various gifts and calling but if we have one goal – Purpose Fulfillment, we can all come together to make the world a better place. Conquer your fears, there is nothing called fear. Find your fire, fan the flames, discover your gifts and you will always find a reason to live.


    Word for today: “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12 KJV


    Boundless Love,

    Adebola Morgan


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    Thank you!


    This post was edited by Adebola Ayoade at February 24, 2017 12:44 PM CET
  • February 21, 2017 12:27 PM CET


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    February 21, 2017 12:39 PM CET

    Thank you sir