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Poju Oyemade - Make Praise Your Language

  • April 21, 2017 8:23 AM CEST
    When people cannot explain your rise, they attack it. God doesn't need any man's permission to promote those He has chosen. It's called election by grace.

    I learnt by observing the generation ahead of me that those who cloaked themselves outwardly with the robes of knowledge didn't go too far but those who were cloaked with robes of humility rose. When you met them it wasn't what they knew that struck you but their simplicity and wisdom.

    Authority in the kingdom is never transferred on the platter of knowledge but humility. Here are a few lessons I have learnt, if you refuse to speak evil of a person privately or publicly the state of your life will dramatically improve. Give honor to whom honor is due and God will honor you. Make praise your language and the earth will yield it's increase in ways as Christ said "he knoweth not how"

    By Pastor Poju Oyemade