Forums » KHC Inspiration


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    April 21, 2017 2:59 PM CEST
    My mouth was dry. My hands a bit numb. There was a stabbing tightness in my chest. My mind blurred as my thoughts became a fragmented display of a million pictured hopes I thought were just around the corner for me. For us.
    For the us that was now becoming just me again. We were only dating. But my mind had already run ahead in time and built a life with this man. In the future we had romantic picnics to take, snowball fights to laugh through, a wedding to plan, a house to build and kids to name with his smile and my eyes.

    Suddenly, the rest of my planned-out life was aflame. I wasn’t just losing a boyfriend today. I was losing the connection to my dreams for tomorrow that would never be. His words made their way through my ears to my heart. I felt the full impact of their harsh landing. As they skidded their way across the most tender places inside me, their piercing weight burned and cut and ripped apart what I thought would be so very permanent.

    Rejection always leaves the deepest, darkest marks. Have you ever felt this kind of pain? The kind that shows up when people purposefully choose to remove themselves from your life? I wish with every fiber of my being I could eliminate rejection from my world and yours. I can’t. But I can offer you the hope God has offered me in the midst of rejection. TRUST GOD! HE LOVES YOU!