Forums » Daily Morning Prayers


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    • 303 posts
    July 17, 2017 8:09 AM CEST


    I'm positive that God has used that which is good to transform and bless lives. Ensure you participate. God bless, your testimony is next.

    Psalm 84:11, NLT

    For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.

    Psalm 85:12, GWT

    The LORD will certainly give us what is good, and our land will produce crops.

    James 1:17, NLT

    Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.


    1. Worship God for who He is.

    2. Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive the good you have in store for me in all areas of my life.

    3. Father, in the name of Jesus, send to KHC, send to our pastors shepherds and principal men.

    4. Present your personal needs to God, trusting that He hears you and will answer.

    5. Pray in the Spirit

    6. Thank God for answered prayers.