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I think my wife has attention deficit.

  • July 22, 2015 8:27 AM CEST

    I think my wife has attention deficit. She is always looking for my attention 24/7 and I can't even concentrate to do any other thing. What can I do to handle this?

    • 51 posts
    July 22, 2015 4:43 PM CEST
    Encourage her to get involved in her God given vision, studies and/ or uplifting activities at church or community if she's not already doing so. Also, talk to her and let her know how this is affecting you.
    This post was edited by Michelle W at July 22, 2015 4:46 PM CEST
  • August 11, 2015 2:17 PM CEST

    Talk it through with her, firstly assure her and let her know how much you truly love and care about her. Attention is probably her love language, so show her by creating special times for her and tell you would also need some time for yourself and other pending matters. Let her know that she should also show her love to you by giving you time to attend to other things. Then always fulfil your promise by being attentive to and around her when the need arises.

    • 2 posts
    March 19, 2016 1:42 PM CET

    My friend, you need to remember that this was the curse the woman received, Genesis 3:16. Her desire would be for her husband. It would be good to take it positively first, then sit down with her and talk to her lovingly. But before you sit to talk lovingly, give her the attention and affection that she so desires from you. It could be texting her even when you are at work or away and letting her know you love her. It could be coming home early in the evening if the nature of your work allows etc... All she needs is that you make her a priority in your life and assure her of your love for her. Women are simple beings to please..and one way of pleasing her is going out of your way to create time for her even if its a short time every day. I am also sharing from my own experience. Personality types can also cause her to be the way she is. Sanguines are by nature attention seekers ( I am one of them). You may need to understand your wife and also talk over your personality types. 

    Once you are sure you are doing your part, then you can sit her down and also talk lovingly on how she can sometimes allow you time for yourself. Hopefully, she is also busy during the day. She can be involved more in serving God and other things if she has too much time in her hands. When more responsibilities (babies/more babies, other activities) come, she will have less time.  Above all, pray for her and ask the Lord to deal with the situation as He wills. God is faithful to help us. Blessings