A brother in a fellowship was trying to propose to this beautiful sister in church...so he said "God said you should marry me or you die within 7days" The sister was fidgeting...

Another brother approached a sister and said " I am a gift of God to women and you are fortunate I picked you". ...Laughable...

I had a dream were I saw you fetching water, then you knelt down and gave me the water to drink. While I was wondering what could this mean...suddenly two children appear, running towards our direction shouting mummy...daddy...mummy....daddy Then a voice thundered from heaven in kjv version "thou shall taketh her to wife" ***must you dream***

Many spiritual brothers have used bread to pack the soup of our naïve sister in church (you can just interpret what I said in yoruba, it will make more sense) and some brothers are just so bushy they don't just know how to ask a sister out.

After listening to my pastor yesterday in church on how to propose, I decided to highlight a gentleman approach...

1. Never Use God's C.V: it was God that brought Eve to Adam but he didn't say God said you are my wife... He simply made his feelings known "this is the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh" I am sure it was God who told you, she is your wife but if she didn't ask of your convictions save her the details of the vision you saw or the dream you had.

She is not only interested in your convictions, she wants to be sure that you love her and God is not forcing you to marry her. Just tell her what you feel for her and show her a picture of the future, then leave her to find out, if it is the Lord or the "rod" (may the Lord give you the interpretation of the rod *laffs*) Rule 1 make your feelings and purpose known

2. You don't have to speak big grammar or be poetic: the essence of communication is understanding, when your communication looses that, you become an entertainer ask honorouble Patrick.

Don't try to form rhymes, it may sound so shallow or insincere, she might even know the lyrics herself. Just be yourself bro. I always like to recite how Oral Robert asked out his wife Evelyn in 1958...

"My huge happy hilarious heart is throbbing tumultuously, tremendiously, triumphantly with a lingering lasting longlived love for you. As I gaze into your bewildering beauteous beaming eye, I am literally, lonesomely lost in a dazzling daring delight dream in which your fair felicitous fanciful face is ever present like a colossal comprehensive constellation. Will you be my sweet smiling soulful satisfied spouse"

The part I love most was Evelyn response; "Listen Oral, if you are trying to propose to me, do it in English Language"

Rule 2...be sincere and simple.

3. Trafficate: like my pastor said 'it is only a reckless driver that will make a turn without flashing the pointer' don't just approach a sister without creating rapport. Be her friend then trafficate to see if you can park...if she blinked red, then it means you can't park, if yellow then wait, if green then you can park safely I know you want me to tell you how to trafficate?

Seriously? Send text, call more than normal, if you can, buy her a gift... Then watch her response. The green, yellow and red are in her eyes... Not really

Rule 3... trafficate before you park

4.Becareful of Gifts; whatever you use to ignite a relationship, you may need it to sustain it. Don't strain yourself to impress her... You can't buy a virtuous woman.

Rule 4 cut your coat according to your cloth

5.Don't Beg Her; never ever beg her. If you do, you will be the only one trying to make the relationship work. If you beg her to come, be ready to beg her to stay.

Do your manifesto and delivery well but if she is not willing to be your spouse...move on! And you don't have to be bitter or stop being her friend... She was the one who said No, not God Just ask God next... Soji David Lawal Life Coach

God said you should marry me or you die!

  • Posted by Lawal Soji David
  • September 24, 2015 1:00 PM CEST
