What a delicate masterpiece you are! Your composition is super classic, even the Sons of God(fallen angels) could not resist you. Even God wasn't satisfied until He has made you! The material for your makeup wasn't just dust or clay, you were made from a refined product: a man's rib! When a rib is broken, it affects breathing, how much more when it is removed?! And that is significant to me. You were not from a man's foot to be trodden, nor from his head to control him but from his heart to inspire him and keep him alive. When 1Peter 3:7 says a woman is a weaker vessel, it doesn't mean you are inferior...it means you are delicate and fragile. You can't be thrown around, you can't be mishandled. Most often, delicate materials are more expensive! When God was done making you, He wrapped you with a warning: FRAGILE! HANDLE WITH CARE. Physically fragile but internally strong! Who has a job, cook, clean the house, handles the laundry and takes care of her kids? Who has to put up with mother in-law, sister in-law, brother in-law wahala? Who faces series of heartbreak yet not broken? Molested, insulted and abused, yet kind hearted! It amazes me, how she faces all these without losing her composure. She must be strong!!! Dear babe, you are special, your kind is rare. Prov.18:22 says whoever finds you, obtains favour from God. You are not lucky to be his girl, he is favoured to find you. As we proceed the latter part of this year with great expectations, with your heels on, your shoulders raised, your laps closed... Tell yourself I won't be molested, insulted nor abused! I know my worth and I know my Lord. With love Soji David Lawal


  • Posted by Lawal Soji David
  • November 7, 2015 8:57 PM CET
