Lawal Soji David 6 articles
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I was Privilege to accompany Rev Dunamis for a ministration at Ife. During the interactive session, a brother dressing sharp, nice haircut, polished shoe with a gold wrist watch argued vehemently his point from 1Pet. 3:3 that ladies are not supposed to put on gold ear-rings and attachment on their hair. Where I was seated, I had compassion on his ignorance! How could a godly brother feel so justified looking sharp and wearing a gold wristwatch and yet condemned a sister doing same? That's so unfair! Are we reading the same Bible? How could gold be a problem, when we are supposed to walk on a street paved with gold in heaven! So I had to show him 1pet 3:3 in context.. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel(kjv). My first question was, what is apparel? (of course he didn't know) so I said apparel is the same as cloth(it's not a sin to use other versions if you don't understand KJV). So I asked again is that scripture saying ladies shouldn't wear cloth or plait their hair? He looked at his Bible intently then he had no reply... So I added verse 4 and expounded the scripture to him. Interestingly most of this "spiritual" brothers go for this smart looking sisters with earrings and makeup intending to change them. My question is why didn't they ask out the sisters without earring's? Why look for someone enjoying her liberty then put her in your bondage of what she's supposed to look like... dear sister, know God for yourself. understand that, it's not a sin to look attractive... Be modest, love the Lord and enjoy your freedom in Christ. when your husband comes, he won't stress you. Soji David Lawal Life Coach Shouts of Grace Centre.

Doctrine or Scriptures

  • Posted by Lawal Soji David
  • February 3, 2016 4:47 PM CET
  • 1 comment


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