Rosemary Amata 4 articles
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Christians especially us young adults must realize that, the moment we disobey God we become naked. Nakedness here means open to all kinds of immoral attacks. I lie on my bed with tears as i cry to the Lord with the following confession. "Lord I must confess that your commandments, your ways are life. If Adam and Eve had understood this, they would never have disobeyed you. In the same vein I too would never have disobeyed You. It was easier when I was a virgin My Lord. I really wanted to keep myself for my husband but I thought myself so strong that I fell. Now I understand what the Bible means when it says that they discovered they were naked. The moment I experienced sex I became naked. Open to the attacks of the devil, especially the attack of immoral spirits. Yes I've made a vow to You my Lord, but it's not been easy. The temptation is really overwhelming. Especially as i don't have a means. I lie down sometimes lonely and desperate for my husband's touch but he's not located me yet. I cry to You Lord to help him locate me and quickly too. I'm naked My Father, please cloth me with your grace and favor." I'm sure I'm not alone in this so I want us in similar situation to hold on to the Lover of our souls and be sure that in due season, we'll be joyful .

Disobedience and nakedness

  • Posted by Rosemary Amata
  • May 7, 2016 1:40 PM CEST
The moment we disobey God, we become naked.
