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Fildena 100: Buy Online USA - The USA meds

  • About

    Problems with male sexual function are treated with fildena 100 (impotence or erectile dysfunction-ED). Fildena helps a man achieve and maintain an erection by boosting blood flow to the penis when combined with sexual stimulation. It is an over-the-counter medication made in India by Fortune Healthcare and is freely accessible at pharmacies and medical supply stores.

    This medication does not offer protection from STDs (such as HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis). Use "safe sex" techniques, such as latex condoms. For more information, speak with your doctor or pharmacist.


    Utilize fildena as directed by your physician.
    Instead of chewing or crushing Fildena, just swallow it whole.
    Be sure to wash your hands before taking Fildena.
    Utilize Fildena with food.

    Negative effects
    The following are a few Vidalista adverse effects:

    Headache \Flushing
    Vomiting and indigestion
    nausea, vertigo, and insomnia
    murky, bloody urine
    tingling, numbness, and burning in the feet and arms
    alterations to vision, responsiveness to light
    long and painful erections and frequent urination


    If you are allergic to it or if you have any other allergies, let your doctor or pharmacist know before taking it. Inactive chemicals in this product have the potential to trigger allergic reactions or other issues. To learn more, speak with your pharmacist.

    Before using the medication, be careful to tell your doctor about your medical history. Among the drugs that may interact with The USA Meds are but are not restricted to:

    the use of antifungal drugs

    medicine to lower blood pressure
    some antibiotics
    HIV medications
    Medication for hepatitis C
    Fildena should not be combined with medications for prostate problems or erectile dysfunction.


    The missed dose should be taken as soon as you remember. If your next dose is approaching, skip this one. To make up for a missed dose, don't take more medication. Do not take excess dosages or two doses at once as this may result in significant complications. Only use Fildena as directed by your physician. Avoid taking more than one tablet per day as doing so can result in an overdose and subsequent health problems.