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I am seriously stressed right now.

  • March 12, 2015 6:43 AM CET

    My wife has not allowed me to touch her since she gave birth to our first baby four months ago! I am suffering. Pelase advise, because I am seriously stressed right now.

    • 20 posts
    March 13, 2015 12:15 PM CET
    Oga,haba. No be like that nah. Have you tried to find out if she's not suffering from Post-Part Depression(PPD)??

    • 5 posts
    March 21, 2016 5:45 PM CET

    A wise man once said, " You will get enough of what you want if you help enough other people get what they want".

    As relating to your wife now...

    You just said your wife gave birth to your (both of you) first baby.

    Well after I gave birth to our first baby last year, it took me almost a month to get over body aches which no pain killer could relieve me of.


    Some women just detest how their body looks after giving birth, some are just depressed looking at how they will take care of the new baby, you and the whole home.

    Please know that a woman's body goes through a lot during pregnancy and giving birth ( from the body changes to hormonal changes,etc). Read books on a woman after childbirth, google and talk to other women who has been in her shoes, Speak with your wife as to know what you can do to help her now that she has put to bed. I don't mean find ways to convince her of Jeru trip. But sincerely look out for ways to help her.

     It might be helping out with massaging her body, sweet talks on how you appreciate her for birthing, nurturing And caring for your baby, helping her with house chores and  some times, help her with baby sitting the child , feeding and changing diapers. Appreciate her new figure as pregnancy woukd have changed how she looks...These are just a few things my husband helped me with that made me get over the whole change of life.

    I will advice you do all you can to basically make her feel good about herself. A woman will go all out for you if she knows you sincerely care about "care" is relative from one woman to another. Give her her own definition of "care" and watch what happens.

    I do not underestimate the power of praying together. It works like magic. Just hold your wife's hands when she's relaxed and say a word of prayer from your heart for her and your home, pray for strength for her as motherhood is not a child's play. Help her in this new phase, and beyond what you expect, you will have a good time.

    Well in the long run, even when you don't desire Jeru trip at that moment, she will eventually bring it to you.

    On the other hand, if you pester her for it too much, you might end up shooting yourself in the foot.

    This post was edited by Olabisi ONABAJO at April 13, 2016 5:51 PM CEST