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My wife gets angry easily

  • August 4, 2015 8:07 AM CEST

    My wife gets angry easily even when I have done nothing. Does he need deliverance and how can I go about it?

  • August 4, 2015 8:44 AM CEST
    Dear concerned husband, she doesn't need deliverance. She needs to renew her mind daily with the word of God, especially specific verses on anger in the bible. When she's much calm and you're both in a joyous mood, politely tell her you want to talk to her about something and without an accusatory voice let her know first of all what God says about anger in the bible and how it affects you. Agree with her that you'll be praying with her and that as couples you can both take authority over that wicked spirit. Anger is a work of the flesh, and the word of God will shed it's light into that area of her life and the fruits of the spirit of God will be made manifest - love, patience, etc. God bless you.
  • August 9, 2015 9:04 AM CEST
    You may also want to find some good cheerful time to ask of she has anything blethering her, any hidden frustrations....this may be the root of anger that she let's out at any opportunity. Do it prayerfully and God that sees your sincerity will help you succeed.