Forums » Daily Evening Prayers

Day 156 of 365 Days - That I may enjoy life and see good life

  • June 5, 2015 9:56 PM CEST

    "For let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days [ good—whether apparent or not ] keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from guile (treachery, deceit). Let him turn away from wickedness and shun it, and let him do right. Let him search for peace (harmony; undisturbedness from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts) and seek it eagerly. [ Do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, with your fellowmen, and with yourself, but pursue, go after them! ]"  (1Pe 3:10-11, AMP)

    1. Lord, teach me and help me to keep my tongue from evil that I may enjoy life and see good life in Jesus name.

    2. Lord, strengthen me to go after peaceful relations with you, with men and with myself in Jesus name

    3. Pray in the Spirit

    This post was edited by Pastor Dunamis Okunowo at February 1, 2016 10:15 PM CET
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    February 1, 2016 10:15 PM CET