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I am not able to stop jeru trap

  • July 20, 2015 8:05 AM CEST

    I am not able to stop jeru trap with my girlfriends. Please help me. How do I stop?


  • July 20, 2015 8:37 AM CEST
    You'll have to end those relationships. Then surrender your life to Jesus. It's only in Him that sin will no longer have dominion over you. Rom.5:10; 6:14
    • 60 posts
    July 21, 2015 12:20 PM CEST
    There's an illustration I use to help believers in bad habits but your case is different. So first I want you to receive Jesus into your life, accept Him as your Lord and savior, there is this guy who said he thinks he's possessed a demon that he can't say no to anything on skirt, so one day he met and took home this goddess of lady, beautiful in any ramification, so while she went into the bathroom, the guy glanced into her bag and he HIV drugs and patient hospital card. The rest is as good as your guess. We do what we do because we don't know gravity of the consequences, a wise man said wisdom is knowing the consequence of action before acting. The Lord help you
    This post was edited by Akaninwor Young at July 21, 2015 11:48 PM CEST
  • July 25, 2015 9:35 PM CEST
    I'll advice you pray, fast and feed on the word..Grace speak for you in Jesus name.
    • 1 posts
    July 25, 2015 10:04 PM CEST
    Just like Sogo Emmanuel said;end those relationships and surrender your life to Jesus.You must have to break the link with the partners in jeru trap.
    • 212 posts
    July 29, 2015 2:31 PM CEST

    I think you need serious help. I know person who are born again,togue talking and love God yet they still have sex as a weak point. I am aware that every bad habit or addicion has a trigger. You really cannot stay away from sex trigger like women seductive dressing but you can decide to become accountable to someone.Pray and talk to God about it,stay away from your triggers and find a mature mentor and be accountable to the person. It may take long to be free but keep being hopeful and stay in the word daily.I pray Jesus does not come while you still struggle with sex.God help us all

    • 20 posts
    July 31, 2015 4:36 PM CEST
    I think the following FREE DOWNLOADS would help:

    1. Beating Soul Ties,by Sola Adio
    2. Breaking Soul Ties,by Sola Adio
    3. The Mystery of Sex,by Ezekiel Atang
    4. Dancers At The Gate of Death,by D.K. Olukoya
    5. Faith and Your Destiny, by Pastor Bankie
    6. The Giant Killer, by Pastor Bankie
    7. Is He Into Me,Or Does He Want To Get Into Me, by Steve Harris
    8. The 12 Tests of Love, by Tekena Ikoko
    9. The Key to Living Your Future,by Myles Munroe
    10. Die Empty,by Myles Munroe ‪#Quick‬Downloads™101

    Download these and more(724 MP3s,BOOKS & VIDEOS) in the
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